SATMOS : Service for Archiving and Meteorological Processing of Satellite Observations

The SATMOS Data and Services Centre, is the result of cooperation between Météo-France, CNRS and CNES, and one of the 4 data centres of the national data and services infrastructure for the atmosphere AERIS set up in 2014. The mission of SATMOS is to receive data from operational meteorological satellites (geostationary an polar orbiting satellites), to manufacture products derived from these data, and to make data and products available to users in the Scientific Community. The Centre de Météorologie Spatiale (CMS) of Météo-France is in charge of implementing these services.

Geostationary satellite data, which includes L1 level data (reflectances and brightness temperatures) and derived products of L2 level or higher (cloud classifications, cloud masks, …), are provided via a high-speed link to other CDS, including ICARE which processes and redistributes them to users.

Tracking satellite data from the CMS’s direct acquisition stations are processed and archived locally, and made available on request by SATMOS.

Main activities inside AERIS

The main activities carried out by CDS SATMOS are :

  • Supply of data for 5 geostationary satellites (Goes West, Goes East, Meteosat 0°, Meteosat Indian Ocean and Mtsat/Himawari); archiving and provision of data from European (Metop) and American (NOAA, SNPP) scrolling satellites acquired at the Centre for Space Meteorology;
  • More than 2,000 files, with a volume of more than 130 GB, supplied daily to the other CDSs to be made available to users.
  • More than 400 TB of archived data available at the Centre for Space Meteorology.


The Météo-France Space Meteorology Centre in charge of implementing the archiving is located in Lannion (Côtes d’Armor).

Point of contact

 SATMOS – METEO-FRANCE – Centre de Météorologie Spatiale – BP 50747 22307 LANNION CEDEX (new website)
