AERIS Catalog

The AERIS catalogue contains all data available from the AERIS Data and Service Centre (DSC). It consists of:

  • A common metadata database fed by its constituent data and service centres
  • A user interface with full-text or multi-criteria searching and a basket for downloading

You can also filter by project, theme or other parameters to obtain a subset of the catalogue on a project’s website, notably by personalizing the search criteria. For example:

In the catalogue, metadata are described in a specific AERIS format but compatible with ISO 19115, INSPIRE and other standards and extensible to adapt to the specific features of certain types of data (aerial data, simulation chambers, etc.). They can be exported to standard formats or other portals on request.

A new version was released in 2021. This more modular version offers a clearer display of metadata and, in particular, the following additional features:

  • Authentication via SSO AERIS (ORCID and eduGain accounts)
  • Online editing of metadata sheets
  • Simplified minting of DOIs (online applications from PIs)

Developments will continue with the main goals of:

  • Furthering FAIR principles
  • Facilitating interoperability between data and service centres and with our partners (ACTRIS, Data Terra, etc.)

AERIS Thesaurus

To facilitate data classification and discovery, parameter categories, platform and instrument types and projects are described using controlled vocabularies. The first three are inspired by the GCMD (Global Change Master Directory, see keywords.

To make these vocabularies FAIR, they have been publiched here: This will facilitate their alignment with other vocabularies, for example those of the other Data Terra centres.

Assignment of DOI

A DOI is a unique identifier permanently assigned to a digital object, in this case a dataset. Once created, a DOI cannot be deleted but the associated information can be modified, in particular the URL of its landing page.

Such an identifier:

  • Guarantees long-term access to the resource (more sustainable than a simple URL)
  • Facilitates discovery, sharing and reuse of data
  • Facilitates citations

AERIS has an agreement with the INIST scientific and technical information institute to assign DOIs to catalogue datasets (where requested by the person in charge of the dataset). For these datasets, AERIS undertakes to:

  • Guarantee data quality
  • Guarantee their long-term accessibility
  • Maintain an accessible landing page, containing a sample citation, full metadata and information on how to access the data

AERIS only assigns DOIs to datasets for which the centre is responsible and which are correctly listed in the catalogue. However, in the event of a more urgent need to obtain a DOI, for example for data associated with a publication, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be able to direct you to the service best able to assist you.

This service follows the recommendations of the Interpole Group. For more information, see

How to use the catalogue
