Data banks and laboratory data

Thermodynamical Initial Guess Retrieval (TIGR)

What is the TIGR dataset ? The Thermodynamic Initial Guess Retrieval (TIGR) dataset, in its latest version, is a climatological library of 2311 atmospheric situations representative of the Earth’s atmosphere, selected […]

FROGS Database

The FROGS (Frequent Rain Observations on GridS) database consists of a collection of precipitation products from various origins (in-situ, reanalysis and satellite) with a homogeneous format, all set to the […]


The main goal of ECCAD (Emissions of atmospheric Compounds and Compilation of Ancillary Data) is to provide scientific and policy users with datasets of surface emissions of atmospheric compounds, and […]


The project EUROCHAMP-2020 aims at further integrating the most advanced European atmospheric simulation chambers into a world-class infrastructure for research and innovation. The project is composed by a coordinated set […]

GEISA : spectroscopic database

The context Adequate tools are required to perform reliable radiative transfer modelling calculations to meet the needs of communities involved in understanding the atmospheres of the Earth and other planets. […]


The project The project-based structure of IUPAC makes Task Groups a key mode for implementation of the IUPAC mandate to enhance and improve communication worldwide among scientists in the chemical […]
