The ACTRIS Data Portal is now open

The ACTRIS data portal has been open to users since the beginning of September. This first version brings together more than 200,000 FAIR data sets on around 150 atmospheric variables, some of them several decades old, from some 600 stations worldwide. Numerous data-related tools and services are also available on the portal.

The ACTRIS data portal was created by the ACTRIS Data Center, a group of 30 scientists and system developers from eight research organizations (NILU, CNR, CNRS, FMI, BSC, IPSL, ULille, UPEC, UT3) in Norway, France, Italy, Finland and Spain. AERIS is making a major contribution to the project, as it is responsible for managing remote sensing data for reactive gases, measurements from atmospheric simulation chambers, and a significant proportion of remote sensing and in-situ aerosol data.

Don’t hesitate to consult this first version, as well as the tutorial videos for using the portal! A demonstration of the portal is planned for this year’s ACTRIS Week, but don’t hesitate to send your feedback to the ACTRIS Data Center team!

Overview of the ACTRIS Data Portal
Overview of the ACTRIS Data Portal Services
ACTRIS Data Center Team

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