New Thredds service for optimized data management

AERIS/ICARE is pleased to announce the launch of a new Thredds service (Thematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services) at :

with access to Sentinel 5P, GEORING and geostationary data (MSGs, HIMAWARI, GOESNG).

This system enables us to manage and distribute our environmental, climatic and geospatial data more efficiently. With Thredds, users can access datasets directly via standard protocols such as OPeNDAP, NetCDF, WMS, and many others.

Thredds offers a robust solution for visualizing, exploring and downloading data, while guaranteeing interoperability with different tools and software. Whether you’re a researcher, developer or data analyst, this service will facilitate your work by giving you fast, secure access to the information you need.

Don’t hesitate to discover this new tool and integrate it into your projects for optimum exploitation of our data resources.

Overview of the AERIS/ICARE Thredds

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