Observation strategy:
The objectives of the HyMeX SOP1 were to document four key components
- Marine winds as vectors of precipitable water
- The role of the Mediterranean Sea as a reservoir of water and energy
- Storm systems in the Mediterranean arc
- Hydrological processes: from slope to river in flood
For this purpose, unprecedented observation means in the Mediterranean have been deployed in the air (aeroplanes, balloons), on land (radars, lidars, wind profilers, lightning detectors, …) in the ground and rivers (water level stations, humidity probes, …) and at sea (boats, buoys, gliders, wave gauges, …).
Location and dates
The measurement campaign took place from 5 September to 6 November 2012 over the entire north-western Mediterranean and its surroundings. During the two-month campaign, some twenty rainfall events were documented in France, Italy and Spain.
More than 200 instruments were deployed and 300 scientists were involved in the campaign.