Focus on BAMED and GIRAFE tools
BAMED (Boundary Layer Pressurized Balloons trajectory simulation) is a Fortran-based numerical tool for simulating the trajectories of boundary layer pressurized balloons (BLPBs) under given meteorological conditions. The model simulates the trajectory of a balloon from a given launch site (geographical coordinates) at the given launch date and time. The tool requires ECMWF meteorological data (wind, temperature, humidity, precipitation and surface pressure) as input.
GIRAFE (reGIonal ReAl time Fire plumEs) is a software tool that provides plume trajectory forecasts. Trajectories are calculated using the FLEXPART Lagrangian transport model and ECMWF meteorological fields.
Both tools have recently been containerized to facilitate their use in all working environments. This work was carried out by our AERIS/SEDOO data center. Instructions for launching and using them are available here :